
Book of Skulls: Slayers of Eragoth

Created by CloudRunner Games

Competitive adventure board game for fans of Dungeon Crawlers, Metal Music and High Fantasy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book of Skulls: Slayers of Eragoth - March Update
6 months ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 12:32:44 PM


Hope everyone is doing well. Here is the March Kickstarter update.

For me, the majority of the last month has been spent adding the final touches to the designs, arranging files and lots and lots of proofreading.

Pledge Manager

A huge thank you to everyone who has already completed their Backerkit survey. We will be unable to ship your game without a completed survey as this is how your shipping address is recorded (and updated if needed).

Please let me know if you need your link again. 

Late Pledges/Preorders

If you missed the campaign or know someone who did, Book of Skulls is available for preorder from the link below!!


Moving on from the cards and game boards of last month, this month was focused on some of the punchboard items and finding a solution for the slider that fits on the top of the card. 

I am very happy with the punchboard items (Status Emblems & Spirit Emblems shown below). They have a good thickness for durability and ease of use.

From last month’s update, the main piece outstanding was finding a solution for the clip that fixes to the top of the Slayers card, this is used to track a Slayer's Rage. Thankfully, we appear to have one now that is both easily moved and more importantly, does not damage the prototype cards.

We will keep working on this, however, it looks like we have the solution!


I am really happy with how the character art is coming along, here are some more WIP sketches of some of our Slayers! Here is Rose & Hellena, I will introduce them properly when their artwork is complete.

That's it for this month, see you for the April update!

Best Wishes



Pledge Manager is live! (Feb Update)
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 03:35:24 AM


Hope everyone is doing well, here is the February update. It is a big one!

Pledge Manager is live!

Those who backed in the campaign will receive an email from Backerkit shortly. 

Please note that it is vital that you complete the Backerkit survey as, without it, we cannot ship your game.

The Pledge Manager is your hub for managing your order. From here you will be able to:

  • Provide your preferred shipping address.
  • Pay shipping fees*.
  • Pay any outstanding tax and VAT associated with your region.
  • Purchase additional copies of the game.
  • Purchase any further optional add-ons.

*Shipping costs have been updated in line with estimated 2024 rates from GamesQuest. 

Note for Apple ID users: If you used your Apple ID to log in to Kickstarter, the BackerKit surveys will not be able to be sent to your email address. Please send an email to me at [email protected]. Please send this email from the same email address you used to set up your Backerkit account (or if you haven't yet set this up, the email address you intend to use). 

Late Pledges

For anyone who missed the Kickstarter campaign but would still like to back the game, a late pledge option is available via the Backerkit Pledge manager. 

A link to this is at the top of the Kickstarter page under "LATE PLEDGE". 

If you know anyone who missed the campaign and would like to back a copy, please feel free to share the link to the Late Pledge page and we can welcome them to Eragoth. All rewards and and prices are the same as during the campaign!


I received manufacturing samples of game boards, a few of the big cards (Slayers, Demons, puzzles etc) and regular sized cards (poker size for items and actions etc).

First, a quality of life upgrade for the game boards, there will no longer be 2 boards per map, instead, the maps are singular and are simply folded when put back into the box. I am really happy that we were able to do this.

The reverse side of all maps is black.

For the cards, I have redesigned the upgrade & legendary item cards using some assets that I hadn’t yet used. Both front and backs have been updated.

Upgrade item have the same back (in green) as Legendary Items (below).

Legendary item (formally Divine item) have the same layout as Upgrade Item. 

The colours are also more vibrant. 

For all character cards (Slayers, Demons, Guardians & Conjurations), the layout has been optimised making better use of the space. As a result of this, the cards are a couple of mm smaller whilst still keeping the integrity of the text.

One component that is not there yet is the slider that goes along the top of the Slayer’s card to track their Rage. The sample received could scratch the cards due to tiny raised areas on the sliders which are part of the moulding process. We are working on an alternative. 

That is it for this month, see you in the next update or on social media

Best Wishes


Quick Update - Pledge Manager "smoke test"
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:56:47 AM


Hope everyone is doing well!

Within the last week, some of you (one person from every tier) will have received an invite to complete their Pledge Manager survey. This is called a "smoke test".

This is part of the Backerkit's proofing process which essentially is a mini test run before the Pledge Manager goes live. 

If you have received an invite, I would greatly appreciate your participation so we can get the Pledge Manager/online store open for everyone :).

Very quickly and away from the Pledge Manager, I have received some pre-production samples from the manufacturer. More on these in the February Kickstarter update and on my socials later in the month!!

Best Wishes


January Progress Update
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 05:47:35 AM


Hope everyone is doing well and off to a great start in 2024!

Here is the January progress report. 


I have spent the last few weeks fine tuning the specs/dimensions with the manufacturer which means spending lots of time in Photoshop zooming in on images and lining up many card designs with cutter guides. 

I needed to make some adjustments to my designs along the way, however, I am thrilled to advise that the card and board samples have been ordered, the manufacturer is working on these before they close for a couple of weeks for Chinese New Year!

Pledge Manager

The Pledge Manager has been officially submitted to Backerkit for approval, expect smoke tests very soon! 

I am not sure whether I select who receives the smoke tests, therefore, you may be one of the first to process through the Pledge Manager!


Before I get into the character art, I wanted to upgrade a couple of the assets on the game boards as well as having a dedicated landmark to identify the final boss. I have just received the files, they look great and will be fantastic additions to the maps.

The plan with the character art is to have all remaining Slayers in sketch form to ensure there is a cohesive style before progressing to the final art. Since my last update, advising that the character art had been commissioned, I have received 6 drafts (bringing the total to 9) meaning we are over halfway in the creation of Slayer Art. 

Below is the sketch of the Slayer named Winter who fittingly has a blade of ice!

I am looking forward to sharing the final art and introducing the Slayers properly with their bios.  

Best Wishes



December Update Sleighers of Eragoth
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 11:02:17 AM


(or should i say Sleighers!!) Hope everyone is doing well. Here is the December progress report.


The most exciting news is that all Slayer artwork has been ordered. I am working again with Jurijus Chitrovas who has provided much of the existing character artwork plus the exceptional box art! Look forward to sharing some of the WIP material when available.

Pledge Manager/Preorders

I am thankful for the great people over at BackerKit for their help in setting up the Pledge Manager. The PM is pretty much done, however, due to the Christmas period, I am not expecting their approval until January.

However, the pre-order store for those who missed the Kickstarter should be up and running now, link below!!

Manufacturing & Fulfilment

I am working with the manufacturer on refining the specs. I received the card cutter guides today so my plan over Christmas is to prepare the files for the initial manufacturing prototypes.

I am going to be testing components whilst the Slayer art is being made as these processes can work independently of each other.

For fulfilment, the formal onboarding process has begun with GamesQuest. I met with my CRM manager yesterday.

For now, if you are celebrating, I wish you a great Christmas, and, to you all, a Happy New Year!

Best Wishes
